Dr. Mehdi Saligane will be a new assistant professor in the engineering school at Brown University.

Dr. Mehdi Saligane will be a new assistant professor in the engineering school at Brown University, where he will be a colleague of Prof. Sherief Reda.  Both are members of the original OpenROAD team, and it’s great to see alumni doing so well !  The announcement from Brown University: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mehdi-saligane_new-faculty-hires-zhou-saligane-zeng-kozachkov-activity-7217027059536080898-axpC?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

“Anybody can design a chip”

“Anybody can design a chip“: A new paper by IHP in Europe that describes an open-source based design ecosystem. https://buff.ly/4f3kbIj

OpenROAD projects for GSoC 2024 are announced and ready for applications!

OpenROAD projects for GSoC 2024 are announced and ready for applications! Please share with colleagues and friends who may be interested in these exciting opportunities for a summer internship. Refer to the link here for details: https://ucsc-ospo.github.io/project/osre24/openroad/openroad/

2023 has been a year of Rapid expansion and innovation for the OpenROAD project

2023 has been a year of Rapid expansion and innovation for the OpenROAD project: Project outreach, new application capabilities, support for Education and Workforce programs and more! OpenROAD 2023: A Year of Expansion Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024! Greetings and a Happy New Year from the Precision Innovations team and The OpenROAD Project! Together, we enable […]