Thank you! — OpenDP

The OpenDP placement legalizer has been updated and now replaces NTUPlace* binaries in OpenROAD’s placement and legalization subflows. Kudos to SangGi Do and Prof. Seokhyeong Kang of POSTECH, and to Mingyu Woo, for making this happen!

EDA Open Sourcing: Dawn vs. Pipe Dream (at DAC-2019)

Prof. Kahng’s opening position statement _slides_ at the DAC-2019 technical panel (Session 75), “EDA open sourcing: Dawn of a golden age or pipe dream?” ( )

Open-Source Academic EDA Software – Continued (at DAC-2019)

The DAC-2019 Birds-of-a-Feather meeting on “Open-Source Academic EDA Software – Continued” was held today. Meeting outcomes, including the opening talk slides from Tom Spyrou, are available at the wiki page: _link_.  Hope to see you at WOSET-2019 (at ICCAD-2019) and at DAC-2020!   Please join our contact list via _this Google Form_.

Thank you! — UTD-BoxRouter

*** Professor Bill Swartz has released UTD-BoxRouter with an Apache-2.0 license! Many thanks to Professor Swartz for this great boost to the academic research and EDA community!

Thank You! — BoxRouter

*** Professor David Pan has released BoxRouter with an Apache-2.0 license! Many thanks to Professor Pan for this great boost to the academic research and EDA community!

TritonCTS open-sourcing

We are happy to announce that the TritonCTS repository on github is now public as part of the DARPA OpenROAD project. Kudos to Kwangsoo Han, Dr. Jiajia Li and Mateus Fogaça for all their hard work on this!

Thank You! — FastRoute

*** Professor Chris Chu has re-released FastRoute with a BSD3 license! Many thanks to Professor Chu for this great boost to the academic research and EDA community!  

RePlAce v1.1 Timing-Driven

We are happy to announce that the RePlAce global placement tool repository on GitHub is now updated with the first timing-driven version (v1.1) of RePlAce.  Kudos to Mingyu Woo for all his hard work on this.