OpenROAD GUI Demo:

By Matt Liberty  in OpenTapeout 2021

OpenROAD at Latch-up 2023:

OpenROAD Flow Demo and Key Features by Matt Liberty

Using the OpenROAD GUI to Inspect your designs:

OpenROAD GUI Demo:

By Matt Liberty  in OpenTapeout 2021

OpenROAD at Latch-up 2023:

OpenROAD Flow Demo and Key Features by Matt Liberty

Using the OpenROAD GUI to Inspect your designs:

ORFS Tool Installation

For up-to-date installation instruction refer to doc link:

How to install ORFS tools on local machine

How to install ORFS tools using docker

ORFS Flow Structure

ORFS Directory Structure And File Formats

Steps To Include Constraints File

Automated RTL-GDSII Flow

Default Config File Setup

Default ORFS Flow Using Make Command

Review Logs For Synthesis, Floorplan

Review Logs For Placement, CTS And Routing

Final Checks


GUI Overview And Floorplan GUI Details

CTS GUI Details

Detailed Route, Heat Map And Metal Fillers GUI Details

Macro Placement Hier-RTLMP

Config Setup For Macro Placement

Steps To Run And Review Macro Placement

Design Exploration Using AutoTuner

AutoTuner Overview And Pre-requisites Packages

Steps To Run AutoTuner

QoR Checking

QoR Checking

Report Issue And Contribute With PR

Steps To File Issue And Generate Testcase

Steps To Create OpenROAD GitHub PR

Basic Example To File OpenROAD GitHub PR

Useful Resources