User Stories

Implementation of RISCduino core using a Hierarchical Design Flow

Dinesh Annaya is an ardent Open-Source EDA enthusiast and an expert user of OpenROAD™ and OpenLane. He developed a baseline RISCduino SoC, a single, 32 bit RISC-V based controller compatible with the Arduino platform . He has submitted over 15 designs on Open MPW shuttles on sky130- During the...

An OpenROAD based IC Design course for Spanish Learners

Professor Erick Carvajal teaches VLSI and microelectronics based courses at the University of Costa Rica. In 2021, he was actively looking to set up his undergraduate, Microelectronics course using conventional EDA tools. However, these were very expensive and difficult to set up for the class requirements given software licensing constraints...

AE-AV1 Encoder implementation: Using OpenROAD to achieve Real-time Throughput

Tulio Pereira Bitencourt   OpenROAD™ is increasingly being used as the leading Open Source EDA solution by a large number of users in industry and academia who are starting to explore and build ASIC designs for a range of mainstream applications of today. Video-on-demand (VoD) is a rapidly growing market dominating...

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