The DAC-2022 panel on What is the Future for Open-Source EDA?

The DAC-2022 panel on “What is the Future for Open-Source EDA?” had a great discussion this morning. The moderator was Andreas Olofsson, with panelists Chuck Alpert, Mamta Bansal, Peter Gadfort, Bill Leszinske and Noel Menezes. (Prof. Kahng served as the organizer.) The opening and position statement slides are HERE.

OpenROAD Projects are Available as GSoC Summer Internships!

 16 Mar 2022 Check out exciting OpenROAD paid internship opportunities at GSoC here:—a-complete-autonomous-rtl-gdsii-flow-for-vlsi-designs. Register:

IEEE CEDA DATC RDF and METRICS2.1: Toward a Standard Platform for ML-Enabled EDA and IC Design

Prof. Kahng, Jinwook Jung (IBM Research), Seungwon Kim and Ravi Varadarajan gave Tutorial #1, “IEEE CEDA DATC RDF and METRICS2.1: Toward a Standard Platform for ML-Enabled EDA and IC Design”, today at ASP-DAC 2022. Presentation part1 (.pptx) (.mp4) Presentation part 2 (.pptx) (.mp4) Presentation part 3 (.pptx) (.mp4)                         Presentation part 4 (.pptx) (.mp4) Presentation part […]